Saturday, August 6, 2011

Marilyn Monroe's 49th death anniversary

Yesterday, marked the 49th death anniversary of Marilyn Monroe, a model, actress and singer, who has an everlasting room in the mind of millions of movie lovers around the world. The magnificent artiste ended too early on August 5, 1962.

However, the earlier life of Marilyn Monroe was not as splendid as her artistic career. The great artiste was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angles, California.

She never knew her father, and her mother Gladys, developed psychiatric problems and was eventually placed in a mental institution. Therefore, Monroe spent much of her time in foster care and in an orphanage.

In search of self dependency, Monroe went to work in a munitions factory where she was discovered by Army photographer David Conover. Her life was about to change when David encouraged her to apply to The Blue Book Modeling Agency. Eventually she became as one of the most renowned models of that agency.

Her successful modeling brought her close to Hollywood. But she only got a minor role of role as a telephone operator in her debut film The Shocking Miss Pilgrim.

The break through in Monroe’s career came in 1948, when she signed a six-month contract with Columbia Pictures, where she would act in movies like Ladies of the Chorus, The Asphalt Jungle and Love Happy. These movies were not so successful in terms of box office gains but they gave her the chance to sing a one year contact with 20th Century Fox.

The career of Monero was in full swing and in next few years she offered her fans some block buster films such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, River of No Return, The Seven Year Itch, Some Like It Hot, Let’s Make Love, There’s No Business like Show Business and many more.

Marilyn Monroe did not confined herself in modeling and acting only; as a singer, she rendered some timeless songs Every Baby Needs a Da-Da-Daddy, Ladies Of The Chorus, Kiss, Bye Bye Baby and many more.

Monroe’s career was glorious four time photography award, Henrietta Award, David di Donatello and many more. Moreover, she got Golden Globe and BAFTA nomination for once each.

The great artiste left her millions of her fans behind, when at the age of only 36, she was found dead in the bedroom of her Brentwood home. The cause of her death is still a mystery though what is absolute is her ever lasting legacy.

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